Health & Safety - Farm & Land Owners
FARM SAFETY AWARENESS - helping you to make your farm a safer place to enjoy
You are guaranteed to leave one of our 'Farm Safety Awareness' sessions feeling as if you've enjoyed yourself and, most importantly, learnt a lot of useful information. You'll also have a 'Plan of Attack' with very simple steps to put in place on your own farm.
Farm Safety Awareness sessions run from an evening's meeting to a whole day. You can tailor the sessions to suit your needs - it may be something you want for all new recruits, or perhaps for a specific event, or even for diversification that will involve a new way of working, maybe even a different type of machinery.
These pages are going to give you lots of hot tips and points to get you on track to make your farm a safe place to work and to help you to comply with HSE Regulations. As we have only just started putting this information on the website we've started with two very useful phone numbers for you to share around:
Emergency Services: dialling 112 will use whatever signal is available
Emergency Electricity : Dial 105
We recommend finding out what emergency options are available for your specific phone / mobile service provider.
How long has 'Health & Safety' been on your TO DO LIST? To help you make it happen we'll soon be adding templates to help you to complete your own RISK ASSESSMENTS.
We know you'll be twiddling your thumbs wondering what to do with all your spare time (NOT!)
So, in the meantime please feel free to call, or email Penny - we're happy to help if we can.
We aim to keep things simple so that you have more time to enjoy mucking out on the farm!